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4 Scientifically Proven Strategies To Triple Your Testosterone Naturally
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Semen retention can boost Testosterone by 45.7% in 7 days, according to a 2003 study. Another 2001 study found 3 weeks of semen retention increased Testosterone.
Masturbation has been shown to lower Testosterone and DHT by increasing the female hormone estrogen and reducing androgen receptor density.
Supplementing creatine at 20 grams per day for 1 week increased testosterone by 57 to 150ng/dl in 20 young athletes.
Raising insulin sensitivity can boost Testosterone production, muscle growth and fat loss. Insulin resistance can drastically lower Testosterone levels, decrease muscle mass and raise body fat.
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Intermittent fasting increased Testosterone by 180% in one study. Fasting also reduced body fat and increased Growth Hormone by 500%.
Does weed affect Testosterone? Weed lowers Testosterone by 10% to 78%. Marijuana use reduces Testosterone production for at least 24 hours.
Yes, sex increases Testosterone by 40% to 150%. Testosterone levels stay elevated for up to 48 hours after sex.
Is there a relationship between body fat and Testosterone? 12% to 20% body fat is the ideal body fat percentage to increase Testosterone.
Testosterone and sleep are closely linked. Sleeping less than 5 hours per night decreased Testosterone by 15%. Optimal sleep time is 8 hours.